This is not a place for memes and gameplay stories.

If you discuss piracy or seek help in modding a pirated game you will be banned. If you submit a link to or explain how to obtain pirated material you will be banned.Above all, be polite and respect everyone. Disagreeing with someone is acceptable, but be polite and direct your disagreement at the reasoning, not the person.

We will work hard to cultivate a positive environment here and it takes a community effort.Over the next several slides we cover some of the best of the best in PS4 overhaul mods that you should be trying out immediately. Don't let that kill your enthusiasm for PS4 modding entirely though, as there's still several overhaul mods that significantly change up the Fallout 4 experience on the Playstation platform. The lack of space and inability to add in huge new assets just won't allow for such major changes to the base game. Sadly, due to the restrictive nature of what's allowed on console mods, it's unlikely we're going to get an epic total conversion like you'd see on the PC. It was a long, long wait for Playstation 4 owners to finally get in on the wasteland modding action, and when it arrived, Fallout 4 fans weren't exactly pleased by the extra limitations above and beyond what's found on the Xbox One edition.Įven now, months after mods have been available, the number of PS4 entries continues to lag far behind what's on tap over on the other side of the console fence.